Doctor Who: Ranking New Who Companions From Best To Worst

Captain Jack Harkness €“ The Face of Boe

Doctor Who Jack HarknessBest Episode: The Empty Child
All right, so I€™m cheating my categories a bit. Captain Jack Harkness isn€™t a constant companion through a season, and neither is River Song, but they both keep showing up, and they€™re both too fantastic to exclude, anyway. As far as omnisexual time agents go, if there are any others out there €“ I haven€™t seen Torchwood, so I wouldn€™t know €“ Captain Jack would definitely top the list. He€™s as charming as they come (and yes, he would definitely insert some perverted joke right there) and is always, always available for anything and anyone. Normally I would find this a bit off-putting, but it€™s Captain Jack; he smiles and suddenly you€™re not bothered by anything. Of course, since his appearances in the show are a bit sporadic he doesn€™t get the chance to become the most well-developed character (I€™m assuming that€™s done a bit more thoroughly in Torchwood), hence why he€™s near the bottom of the list; it€™s not because of dislike (that€™s coming up). So, while he€™s not as three-dimensional as he should be for how long the character has been in the show, he€™s as charming as ever, and everyone€™s favorite captain.
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She is a student at the Ohio State University with a major in English and a minor in Film Studies. She loves watching 'Sherlock' and 'Doctor Who' and is an aspiring author currently working on her first novel about the Paris catacombs. Follow her on Twitter @sherlocked1058 or email her via View more of her musings on Sherlock and Doctor Who at