Doctor Who: Revived Series 14 Stupidest Idiot Plots... So Far

2. Angel Takes Manhattan

In Angels Take Manhattan, the Weeping Angels built a hotel so that they can lure humans in. Before they zap a human in to the past, they made sure the human would see a dying elderly version of himself in one of the rooms, creating a paradox, ensuring that the human would be forever trapped. This means they trapped him as a food source for a long time. Why? In the Angel€™s first episode all they had to do was zap once to get the energy of their whole life. Why did they need to build the hotel anyways? They were where food is found in billions? The hotel was a secret, why did they park the Statue of Liberty beside it? What would Liberty do differently, zap someone farther? The Angels zapped Rory to 1938 New York, a couple of miles away from the hotel. Then they zapped him later again in front of the hotel where he could have easily chosen not to enter, but stupidly did anyways. Was zapping Rory besides his elderly self too easy? To follow Rory, the Doctor and Amy used a mystery novel that was telling the events in parallel with what was happening in real life. The Doctor states that they couldn€™t read ahead, because the passage might become destiny. The danger of this became clear when Amy read ahead to a passage stating the Doctor would break something; River€™s hand. Turns out, River broke her own hand, proving that the rules can be broken. But for some reason, after the Doctor accidentally reads something implying Amy€™s death, he gave up, accepting they couldn€™t win against the Angels. Firstly, it was already proven with the hand that the rules could be broken. Secondly, bending the rules is the Doctor€™s forte; destiny didn't stop him from cheating death or destroying Galifrey, why was a hint the one that made him give up? In the end, Amy and Rory got transported back to 1930€™s NY. It's made a big deal that the Doctor couldn€™t reunite with them because the TARDIS can€™t handle 1930€™s NY. So why can€™t he park the TARDIS outside NY, or travel to the 1940€™s? River€™s Vortex Manipulator? Again, bending the rules is the Doctor€™s forte.

Once upon a time, Jon ended up in a huge dark room with a giant screen... and he never left.