Doctor Who: Rogue Review - 7 Ups & 3 Downs

7. UP - Evil Cosplayers!

Doctor Who Rogue Jonathan Groff

The plot of Rogue bears similarities with the classic Futurama episode "When Aliens Attack" in which the citizens of Omciron Persei 8 declare war on Earth for cancelling their favourite TV show.

Rogue reveals that, while Netflix can clamp down on profile sharing here on Earth, they're absolutely fine about sending Bridgerton into space for free. And so, the shape-shifting, subscription dodging Chuldur are in Regency-era Bath to live out their Bridgerton fantasies.

Their rather brutal approach to cosplay is a fun sci-fi idea, killing their favorite characters and embodying their personas. It's an interesting commentary on the obsessive nature of fandom, but before offended cosplayers grab their flaming torches, there's a more astute political point being made.

The Duchess' speech about impersonating politicians and royal family members to wage war for their own amusement draws comparisons with those contemporary politicians post-Brexit that are obsessed with making Britain matter again.

Like many rightwing UK politicians, the Chuldur are attracted to a period in which the British Empire meant something. With this comparison, Rogue reveals the truth, that these politicians are cosplaying as Great Britons, engineering discord for their own entertainment.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.