Doctor Who: Rogue Review - 7 Ups & 3 Downs

6. UP - Indira Varma As The Duchess

Doctor Who Rogue Jonathan Groff
BBC Studios

When all is said and done this season, Jinkx Monsoon's Maestro will be the villain that everyone remembers. However let's spare a moment to remember The Duchess.

Torchwood's Indira Varma is clearly relishing the chance to play the gloriously camp Chuldur Duchess. 

From her threat to "cosplay this planet to DEATH" to her coveting of the Doctor's costume, it's a gleefully over the top performance that fits the character well. 

It's worth noting that Varma plays two characters in Rogue, first the Duchess herself, who delights in Ruby's modern perspective and cruelly chastises her guests for wearing her old cast-offs. 

And then, once the Duchess is killed off and replaced by a Chuldur cosplayer, Indira Varma amps up the arch aspects of the Duchess' character. 

Subtle definitely isn't the word, but Varma's small tics gradually exploding into high-camp villainy is A* Doctor Who antagonist acting.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.