Doctor Who: Rogue Review - 7 Ups & 3 Downs

3. UP - Ncuti Gatwa

Doctor Who Rogue Jonathan Groff
BBC Studios

Last week's incredible performance of the Doctor's bewilderment and rage at the small-mindedness of Finetime's residents was exceptional, but Rogue reminds us of what we've missed about Ncuti Gatwa.

There's such charm and wit to Gatwa's portrayal of the Doctor. The Doctor has always been able to bound into a situation, but rarely have they done it with such flair.

From the Doctor confronting Rogue, to his gyrating to Kylie, to the brilliant moment where he tells Rogue that he's usually the one that tells people to run, it's a bravura performance from Gatwa.

By the end of the season, Rogue will likely be looked on as "inessential" due to having no bearing on the arc, and being a fairly run-of-the-mill Doctor Who story.

However, those episodes are where a Doctor actor lives or dies. Any actor can bring gravitas to the end of the universe stakes and portentous speeches of a season finale.

It takes a real talent to treat a story about evil cosplaying bird people with that same seriousness. On that score, Ncuti Gatwa absolutely delivers.

The only downside is the crying, which this time feels forced due to the fact that nobody believes that anything has actually happened to Ruby.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.