Doctor Who: Rogue Review - 7 Ups & 3 Downs

2. DOWN - Rogue's Resolution

Doctor Who Rogue Jonathan Groff
BBC Studios

We know from the start that Jonathan Groff is far too busy to spend months in Cardiff travelling across all of time and space, so Rogue has to be separated from the Doctor in a very contrived way.

First, we're expected to believe that Ruby's cosplay as a Chuldur is so good that it fools the Doctor. This is despite the fact that the Doctor knows he gave Ruby a pair of psychic earrings that have a "Battle Mode".

The fact that he doesn't for a moment consider the possibility she used those to dispatch Emily doesn't ring true in the slightest.

Nor does the Doctor's dilemma over saving Ruby. It's established that they only have one go with the Triform trap, which is presumably why the Doctor doesn't sonic it once it charges up.

(Earlier, Rogue said it could be shut off after it was charged, but that he'd press send before the Doctor could do so.)

So it's therefore up to Rogue to swap places with Ruby inside the Triform, and press send. But if the device allowed him to walk into the Triform, why didn't it allow him to walk back out, press send, and live happily ever after with the Doctor? Sure, weighted for six people, but what's a missing body between friends?

It's a contrived means to remove Jonathan Groff from the picture that undermines a hugely enjoyable and quietly groundbreaking episode of Doctor Who.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.