Doctor Who Seasons 1-12 Ranked Worst To Best

9. Season Eleven

Doctor Who David Tennant Tenth Doctor
BBC Studios

Jodie Whittaker's first outing as the Doctor was nowhere near as good as it deserved to be. Her characterisation was fun and she gave it her all, but the writing let her down. It was played safe and felt like a mashup of lots of other previous Doctors. We also met three new companions, and while this has happened in the past, it felt very crowded this time.

The show looked beautiful though, with a massive boost in production value. Sadly, that meant we had to accept a reduced episode count of ten, instead of the usual twelve. With these major changes came a change of composer too. Murray Gold left with Moffat and Segun Akinola took over with a brand new style.

This was another series with no two-parters, which meant that every story was practically self-contained. While most stories worked well, it followed a very loose arc and didn't see the return of any classic villains, which hindered the series.

With fewer episodes, new music that didn't match the grandiosity of Gold's creations, a new Doctor, new companions and all new villains, it felt too disconnected from the past and a bit too much all at once.

Still, it gave us some modern classics like The Witchfinders, Kerblam, Rosa and Demons of the Punjab, beginning the trend of Jodie's historical episodes being the best of New Who.

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Simon is a writer, cat dad and presenter of a geeky radio show with his husband. He loves Doctor Who (except 10 who can get in the bin…only joking.) He idolises Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Lara Croft and would 100% be a Sith Lord in a galaxy far, far away. He wishes life was like a musical so he’d actually be a good singer.