Doctor Who Series 11 Finale: 10 Things That Must Happen In 'The Battle Of Ranskoor Av Kolos'

8. Davros, Daleks, Or The Cybermen

Doctor Who Finale

When the Doctor said ‘I recognise that voice...’ in the trailer, the fans went into a very predictable meltdown. As is normal for a show this popular (and let’s be honest, this geeky), theories sprung up from everywhere as soon as the words left Whittaker’s lips.

Some fans thought it might be a callback to an earlier episode; more on that later. But the most outlandish theories posit that the voice may have belonged to one of the legendary Doctor Who villains. The Daleks are the most obvious one for a finale, and Cybermen often crop up in two parters. With Chibnall at the helm, it’s easier to discount the obvious choice, so that’s where Davros comes in.

It would be great to see a really bankable foe this time around, especially when there have been some missteps along the way. Chibnall seems determined to make this season his own, but he wouldn’t need to avoid the typical A-list villains to do that. In fact, reinventing them might be more satisfying, both for him and the viewers.

Season 11 has defied expectations right from the off. It would be typical for the finale’s villain to do the same.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)