Doctor Who Series 7: 10 Reasons Why You Must Watch

2. Daleks! Daleks! DALEKS!

I am a bit of a Dalekophile. I grew up loving the Daleks and I€™m sure I€™ve mentioned before about my ill-fated attempt to turn my tricycle into a Dalek with A4 paper as a child. (Note €“ you need more than one ream of A4 paper to attempt this). So you can imagine my face when I saw the title for the first episode of the series, €˜Asylum of the Daleks€™. Not only do the Daleks make their return, but we also see every type of Dalek that has ever appeared. It€™s like all my Skaro Christmases have arrived at once in a Mark III Travel Machine! There€™s also some interesting concepts in this episode, the idea of a Parliament of the Daleks (how that works with a Supreme Dalek, one can only wonder) and that the Doctor has been summoned by the Daleks to control their asylum €“ that the Daleks are unable to do this themselves should concern us all. There€™s also the rumour that Skaro is finally returning, or that the Daleks have turned another planet into New Skaro.

Working in public relations, the place where writers and creative people go to die, Gwynn maintains an eclectic mix of interests that range from long-distance running and writing through to Latin dancing and science fiction. As a child he once tried to turn his tricycle into a Dalek using sticky tape and A4 paper. His Dad didn’t appreciate his creative use of all the printer paper as much as Gwynn did. Follow Gwynn on Twitter @gwynncompton