Doctor Who Series 7: 5 Hints At The Season Arc

4. The Destiny Of Oswin Oswald

Well, I had to get around to it sometime, didn't I? Jenna-Louise made her surprise debut in Asylum as Oswin Oswald, a character whose destiny seems inextricably tied to the overall arc of Series Seven. Not only did Oswin appear to be something of a computer geek as the rumours had suggested, but she also turned out to be a Dalek too, one seemingly destroyed along with the rest of the titular prison. Of course, there's just one tiny problem here... Guessed it yet? Yep, give the man/woman/other life-form a Dalekanium medal- Jenna-Louise has already been confirmed to star in at least this year's Christmas Special and the Spring 2013 run of Series Seven Part Two. The question, then, is this- how does the new companion survive? That Oswin appeared to break the fourth wall in her supposed demise, telling her Chinned saviour and the audience to "remember", can't be overlooked, suggesting that perhaps her consciousness will live on in some form (is she a soul-shifting alien?), quite possibly in the character Clara Oswin, who it's been heavily suggested Jenna-Louise will play on a regular basis. The answers (or at least their foundations) may lie on December 25th, but the journey to that date will be just as exciting!
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