Doctor Who Series 7: 5 Things We Want From The Last Cyberman

4. Nightmare Fuel

From a nightmarish scene where Amy is forced to watch Rory grow to hate her in madness and fear to 'Coraline', arguably one of the most disturbing children's books ever written, Gaiman has shown he has no ethical qualms towards frightening little kids. (Maybe that's why we love him.) Not only that, but he's damn good at it. I heard whispers at the time of its movie release that a lot of parents were complaining because 'Coraline' was too scary, and while these rumours did turn out to be just that, the fact remains that if there's one man to give a more frightening approach, it's Gaiman. His account of watching some of their most acclaimed stories and his description of their ability to sneak up behind everyone all assure us that for the first time since their revival, they are not only going to be mildly intimidating, but full on terrifying. It also promises that they're going to have their legs on silent for the time being. Having not seen a lot of the classic Cyber-serials, I can't say I've ever considered them to be all that scary, and can safely say I'm looking forward to this new direction.

I got bored one day, so I decided to write things on the Internet.