Doctor Who Series 9: 9 Theories That May Actually Come True

1. Farewell Clara

She was a gonner at the start of series 8. Then she stuck around, but it seemed as though she'd definitely be leaving the TARDIS behind after the series 8 finale. Only she came back for one seemingly final adventure at Christmas, but surely that was it? Well, no, because Clara Oswald is once again going to be accompanying The Doctor on his adventures for the duration of series 9 (*cheers*/*groans* - delete as appropriate). There'll be no dividing her time between her life on Earth and life in the TARDIS, as she's set to dive headfirst into adventures with Capaldi and escape from the tragedy that's befell her back home. However, thre's only so long you can keep running, and only a certain amount of time you can spend as a companion on the show. By the end of series 9 it'll have been two full series, plus over half of series 7, moving her ahead of Amy Pond as the longest serving nuWho companion. That, unfortunately, is going to have to end sometime, and it's predicted this will be her final year (although as mentioned we've heard that before). Quite what will cause her to leave behind the time-travelling life? It could be a rather tragic end for Clara. Alternatively it may involve some way of being reunited with Danny Pink, or have something to do with their descendant we met last year. Whatever the cause, there's a good chance we'll be saying a sad goodbye to the Impossible Girl.

NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.