Doctor Who: The Best Episodes From Each Modern Series

12. Blink (Series 3)

Doctor Who The Impossible Planet
BBC Studios
"I think I nailed something really well when I wrote Blink. I think I was really proud of that. I didn't know immediately it was a great episode. I remember Julie Gardner saying 'That's your best one,' and I said 'Can't be. The Doctor's not in it.' But I've realised over time that was an important moment."

"The Doctor's not in it" - and not just any Doctor, but one of the most popular incarnations in David Tennant, which makes Blink's regular topping of greatest episodes lists even more impressive. Conversely, the mysterious absence of the Doctor piques our curiosity even more so: from his warning message behind the peeling wallpaper at Wester Drumlins to the TARDIS key dangling from a Weeping Angel's merciless grip.

Up steps - or rather over the foreboding wrought iron gates - the intrepid Sally Sparrow, who displays Doctorish qualities of her own as she cleverly follows the Nolanesque Hansel & Gretel breadcrumbs throughout, complete with her own natty scarf and long brown coat.

The casting is perfect. Carey Mulligan's tour de force performance and the supporting characters, and the very satisfying way they assist Sally: Larry's impressively intrinsic shorthand, Billy's ingenious DVD Easter egg, right down to Banto and his line of "Go to the police you stupid woman... why does nobody ever just go to the police?" Similarly to what Russell T Davies said about the taxi driver from Partners in Crime, it's a small part for an actor, yet he says those words perfectly. Then, of course, there's Murray Gold's uniquely eerie yet energetic score.

Steven Moffat said that "it was Blink that got me the showrunner job". Truer words were never spoken.

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The name's Colbourn, James - yeah, doesn't quite have the same ring to it.