Doctor Who: The Best Episodes From Each Modern Series

13. The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit (Series 2)

Doctor Who The Impossible Planet

This cerebral spine-chiller was written by Matt Jones, who got his first big writing break on Doctor Who Magazine, so there's hope for us discerning article writers! Although Russell T Davies did have a significant input.

The 'Welcome to Hell' writing on the wall is attention-grabbing enough, but you know s**t is real when the TARDIS can't translate the ancient lettering on the wall, and she sounded eerily queasy on materialisation anyway. Those Type 40 TARDISes have great instincts.

It feels suitably industrial, showing the real-world danger and struggle of humanity's deep space exploration. Quakes devastate the sanctuary base, members of the crew die, and worst of all, the Doctor gets put on laundry duty. Then the Beast (wondrously voiced by Gabriel Woolfe) dusts off his psychological playbook by targeting vulnerable archeologist, Toby. He also makes a brief, growling appearance on Zach's visual display, when the good captain is looking away of course. The second part is then excitingly set-up with a Classic Who-esque cliffhanger. He's a devil that one.

As the Beast stirs from his eternal slumber, the Doctor's infectious - and vital - optimism shines through his praising and hugging of the intrepid humans. His line of "or a good psychologist" is a gem of mental fortitude. It's the ultimate battle of wits which is epically spine-tingling:

"This one knows me as I know him. The killer of his own kind."

The final showdown has too much Rose-tinted schmaltz, but it does have a great snarl-off between the Doctor and a flamingly furious Beast. Moreover, it whets the appetite for more Doctor-immortal beings battles.

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The name's Colbourn, James - yeah, doesn't quite have the same ring to it.