Doctor Who: The Biggest (Unintentional) Laughs of Series 7

6. €œActually€€”SHUT UP

actually shut up Okay, this one I admit is a €œYour mileage may vary€ one, but I always laugh when the Cyberman grabs Archie. See, when you watch €œNightmare in Silver€ the first time, you think the annoying kid is Angie. She walks around being a stereotype of a bratty teen, self-absorbed, yadaa yadaa. But Archie, HE€™S the really grating one. He goes around saying profound things like €œActually, outer space if very interesting,€ and €œActually, I€™m in my school chess club.€ By the time Archie gets his second to last line of the episode and the Cyberman grabs him, I€™m hoping it accidentally breaks his neck.
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Doctor Who
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Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at