Doctor Who: The Doctor's 13 Darkest Moments

9. Good Men Don't Need Rules

Episode: A Good Man Goes To War The Doctor has been known to write or rewrite history books, but when his best friend and her newborn daughter are kidnapped, Eleven takes it to a whole new and entertaining level. Having recently taken over Demons Run, the Doctor unleashes some of that pent up rage on Colonel Manton. After Strax demands that Manton give his troops the order to withdraw, the Doctor interrupts and instead tells Manton to tell his troops to "run away", forever labelling Manton in history as "Colonel Run Away". Fans finally get to see Matt Smith's Doctor when he loses control, and the smile he throws out as he adjusts Manton's suit is the perfect example of the Doctor embracing that anger. And when Eleven explains "Good men don't need rules, today is not the day to find out why I have so many," it only confirms that somewhere behind that bow tie, is a monster.
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Kristian is a freelance writer from Toronto, Canada. He's used his three favourite passions - sports, gaming, and writing - to provide articles to various media venues. Kristian currently is the official colour commentator for his college's sport teams. He initially majored in Women, but failed and dropped out, before finally studying Journalism & Broadcasting.