Doctor Who: The Fall Of The Doctor's Ratings?

RTD And Moffat Penned Episodes

RtdepisratingsMoffatepisratingsRtdepisaiMoffatepisai From these figures we can work out the average ratings and IA for RTD and Moffat's individually penned episodes. Rtdmoffaveragesincspecials Including special episodes, we can see that RTD had nearly 500,000 more viewing figures over the course of his episodes, but at the same time they were rated at a slightly lesser quality than Moffat's. However, as mentioned before, special episodes can skew rating figures, so let's have a look and see how each of them performed with regular episodes. Rtdmoffaveragesexcspecials Only looking at regular episodes, we can see that the drop in figures for Moffat are not at all as drastic as people seem to claim - less than 200,000 - a minute number in television figures for a show this size! And in terms of regular episodes, Moffat's quality seems to be overall higher than RTD's.
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Mark is a 21 year old Doctor Who fanatic studying film and media, living in Edinburgh, and user of the site tumblr. He enjoys humour, nights in, and long romantic walks to the fridge.