Doctor Who: The Halloween Apocalypse Review - 7 Ups & 5 Downs

4. UP - Returning Villains

Doctor Who Series 13: Flux poster

In amongst the carnage we saw the brief reintroduction of two foes from the Doctor’s rogues gallery: The Sontarans and the Weeping Angels.

Both good choices, we have to say. Neither has been overused in NuWho, and both have had a sufficient break since their last appearance as the focus of an episode. Certainly better than giving us The Master allied with the Cybermen for the third time running like Series 12 did.

We’ll tackle the Sontarans first. First and foremost, we have to acknowledge the redesign, which harkens back to their appearance in the classic series - they shouldn’t look great, but they do. Let’s hope they can also re-establish themselves as a daunting foe for the Doctor, and not comic relief. We love you Strax, but the damage you’ve done to the Sontarans as a viable antagonist will take some undoing…

Then we have the Weeping Angels. We’re pleased to report that they’re as terrifying as ever, from the visual of a lone angel on an empty street, to the heart pounding tension of Claire frantically try to escape its grasp. Whoever thought of having someone attempt to unlock a door whilst not being able to look away from an Angel deserves a firm handshake, because boy oh boy was that some delicious tension. We can’t wait to see how all this fits in.

Good job Chibs, you’re two for two, now stick the landing.

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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.