Doctor Who: The Legend Of Ruby Sunday Review - 6 Ups & 4 Downs

9. UP - The New UNIT

Doctor Who The Legend of Ruby Sunday
BBC Studios

My first up of the week goes to the new UNIT team, who definitely feel like they're being set up for a spin-off.

It's nice to have an ensemble 'team on the ground', and the whole setup harkens back to Pertwee's era where UNIT were a mainstay. My highlight this week was the addition of Lenny Rush as Morris, a child genius whose employment almost definitely breaks a number of child labour laws - his character is a delight. The other MVP of the team for me is Mel, who gets more of a moment to shine here than she did in The Giggle, showing herself to be a competent field agent, and also calling The Doctor out on his temper tantrum later in the episode. She seemed an unusual choice of companion to bring back at first, but I'll admit, I've been pleasantly surprised.

The Vlinx continues to be an odd, unexplained mystery and I'm not convinced that will change at any point - but you can't have an organisation like this without an AI, it's written in the stars that at some point he must be infected by a hostile data virus (it's just the way of things, we're waiting for it). Harriet was a good craic while she lasted, it's just a shame she turned out to be a herald for the arrival of the devil.

I was glad to see Kate not get possessed for a third time this week, and finally get the opportunity to show some authority, though if I had one small thumbs down, she does still seem to crack a little too easily under pressure (Chidozie seemed like a top bloke, but I don't buy the Head of UNIT being so shaken by the loss of one soldier).

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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.