Doctor Who: The Legend Of Ruby Sunday Review - 6 Ups & 4 Downs

8. UP - Misdirection

Doctor Who The Legend of Ruby Sunday
BBC Studios

RTD has been flinging hints at us like it's going out of fashion ever since the Star Beast, and in this episode, we finally saw all that come to fruition.

Used to his 'Bad Wolf' style teases, the internet has been rabidly analysing each piece of information that we've been dripfed. Obviously we expected something to do with the Doctor's granddaughter, given Susan Twist's name, and the rather out-of-nowhere reference to the Doctor's time with Susan in The Devil's Chord. We also had a nice little scene between Kate and The Doctor, explaining a little about why he hasn't gone looking for her for all this time - for a moment, all signs were pointing towards this being the direction for the episode.

With this being the 'twist' that was staring us in the face, many viewers thought thought they had figured out the true reveal after deciphering 'S Triad' as an anagram for TARDIS.

Nope. Russell takes both these theories and acknowledges them before the opening credits even roll, making sure we know how blatant the red herrings were by having the UNIT team scoff, saying they'd figured out the anagram in minutes.

All the while, RTD was distracting us from a third option, a less telegraphed twist, whilst still incorporating these red herrings into the plot as an intentional bit of misdirection by the true villain. Well played.

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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.