Doctor Who: The Vanquishers Review - 4 Ups & 9 Downs

6. DOWN - Vinder And Di’s Pointless Adventure

Doctor who swarm and azure

This wins the most dumb plot of the week award. Poor Vinder is relegated to the D-plot (or is it E-plot) this time, and he does absolutely nothing. Last week, he had a plan, but it turns out that I’m reality he just completely screwed himself over and got himself trapped inside Passenger. Luckily, he has a secret weapon: Di from Liverpool, and she’s got a score to settle.

And that’s not all: she’s also been practicing at Lazerquest.

The amount of screen time Di gets this episode is laughably unjustified, as is the fact that she’s become an expert on Passenger Forms - no seriously, Vinder even offers her a bloody job with the alliance military, or whatever it is that he’s from.

Di, who has conveniently been spared a grisly death-by-ravager for plot reasons, leads this experienced military man through Passenger, pointing out the glowy exit button to Vinder, that she somehow knows about but also hasn’t thought to use. The two then proceed to escape this incredibly secure (and actually seemingly quite pleasant) prison and are immediately zapped back in. Luckily, Passenger doesn’t bother to do the same to The Doctor when she attempts to rescue them, and she quickly waltzes in with her TARDIS to pick them up. That was easy. Speaking of the TARDIS, did anyone notice that the doors went back to normal this episode, before the Flux was even resolved?

Di’s final scene in this series saw her dumping Dan pretty brutally, which was unexpected. She still seems to be hung up on him being late to their date, which seems forgivable given the circumstances, what with the apocalypse happening. Maybe she just realised he’s sort of useless?

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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.