Doctor Who: The Vanquishers Review - 4 Ups & 9 Downs

5. DOWN - The Sontaran Stratagem

Doctor who swarm and azure
BBC Studios

The Sontarans bought the thunder this episode, coming to the party armed with a fairly solid plan. That is, if you ignore the terrible science and can suspend your disbelief enough to buy that The Flux, which we’ve seen eat solar systems for breakfast, would be halted by eating up a couple of hundred Dalek and Cyber ships.

Yes, in this episode, The Sontarans outmanoeuvre the two most powerful and feared races in the galaxy, and do so successfully (for a moment anyway). We don’t have an issue with this, in fact, it’s nice to see an underestimated foe like the Sontarans beat the often unstoppable Daleks. There’s just one problem with this. To make this work, the plot had to ignore two very fundamental character traits for these two villains.

Firstly, the Sontarans are ruthless and bloodthirsty, but they have always been defined as honourable combatants, who resolve all conflicts on the battlefield and do not resort to manipulation. To promise an alliance then betray the Daleks is most definitely dishonourable.

Secondly, the Daleks believe all other life to be inferior, and as established in Doomsday, would never accept an alliance with another species, even if they were dooming themselves in the process.

These aren’t the only character traits thrown to one side to accommodate this plot, as the Doctor stands idly by, actively encouraging Karvanista as he commits what appears to be a Sontaran genocide. Need we remind you that earlier this season Thirteen popped off at General Logan for blowing up the retreating Sontaran forces? Bit of a hypocrite, really.

Also, on the topic of The Doctor, she also contradicts herself in this episode, by first stating that she’s seen many people allying with The Sontarans during her negotiation, then later announcing in the TARDIS that it’s very unlike the Sontarans to make an alliance.

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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.