Doctor Who Theory: Jo Martin's Doctor Was Protector Of The Timeless Child

3. The Secret Of The Timeless Child

Doctor Who Timeless Child

While this is not the place to offer full speculation on what the Timeless Child is, let's just speculate that he/she is some form of incredible being in the guise of a child that is able to manipulate time itself. At some point, the Galifreyans, possibly one of the earliest members of their society, such as Omega or Rassilon, became aware of this entity and sought to exploit it, forming the Time Lord society that has featured through the show's history. To do this, they captured and used the child in order to manipulate the time vortex itself.

However, they had to keep the child a secret from their own race, knowing that the consequences of revealing it would expose the Time Lords as a lie (in the Master's words in ‘Spyfall’, 'everything you think you know is a lie'). So, how do they keep their own race from finding out their biggest secret?

The answer: The Celestial Time Agency (the CIA of Gallifrey, which has been featured in the show before) are informed of the situation and swear not to reveal it to anyone, not even the President. The protection of the child becomes their responsibility, and so they take the criminals and mercenaries of Time Lord society, and use them to guard the child to ensure that no-one ever learns of this dark secret.

When their time as a protector is complete, their minds are wiped and they are made to regenerate, the memories of their previous incarnation forgotten.

This is what they did to the Doctor. It would also make sense that this is something they did to the Master at some point, which would explain his hatred at the Time Lords upon learning the truth and why he would effectively commit genocide.


Jamie is a freelance broadcast journalist and writer, with a particular obsession for sci-fi, theatre and politics. In his spare time he enjoys amateur dramatics and making homemade curries.