Doctor Who Theory: Jo Martin's Doctor Was Protector Of The Timeless Child

2. The Theory

Jo Martin Doctor Who

In 'The War Games', the 2nd Doctor is put on trial and forced into exile on Earth, while being told he will be forced to regenerate. This is actually a ruse by the CIA to use the Doctor for a second purpose that will be kept hidden from him eventually.

It is also the perfect opportunity to use a Time Lord that has kept themselves distanced from Gallifrey for so long. The Doctor regenerates into Jo Martin, and is taken to guard over the Timeless Child. Martin's incarnation is an extra given to the Doctor's current regeneration cycle by the CIA, so that she is not aware she has lost an incarnation once her memories are wiped (hence solving any continuity issue with Matt Smith's regeneration further down the line).

The Doctor, working under Commander Gat from the CIA, reluctantly protects the Child, knowing that what she is being forced to do is wrong. Symbolically, she destroys her sonic screwdriver and chooses a laser gun, or a weapon, to use against the Time Lords. Eventually, she forms a plan to escape again from Gallifrey, knowing that if she takes the Child with her, it could destroy her race. She is forced to leave the Child behind.

She manages to find her Tardis and, along with her companion Lee, flees to Earth. This is somewhere she believes the Time Lords will not look for her, as it was Earth they were planning to exile her to and would be the last place they would look. She buries the Tardis and, using a chameleon arch, turns herself human and becomes Ruth. Commander Gat, knowing the secret of the Timeless Child needs to be kept, puts a contract on the Doctor's head and enlists the Judoon to find her.

Eventually, the 13th Doctor arrives in Gloucester, and the events of 'Fugitive of the Judoon' play out at this point. As Commander Gat is from an earlier point in the Galifreyan timeline, there is not yet the concept of two of the same Time Lord successfully occupying the same space and time, something that will not happen until 'The Three Doctors'.

As a result of these events, the 13th Doctor will now surely try to find out who the fugitive Doctor is and will eventually discover the Timeless Child, and the part she once played in keeping it a secret. Hopefully, we will see this play out on screen.

But what does this mean going forward?


Jamie is a freelance broadcast journalist and writer, with a particular obsession for sci-fi, theatre and politics. In his spare time he enjoys amateur dramatics and making homemade curries.