Doctor Who: Top 10 Christmassy Moments

5. TARDIS On A Cloud

One of the show's more magical (but still largely based on the concepts of scientific fact, which is the most important thing) moments came back in 2012 when Clara Oswald happened upon a mysterious blue police box high up in the clouds. There was a reason behind the Doctor's somewhat unorthodox choice of parking in this instance, though. Still in mourning following the loss of his beloved Amy and Rory, and with a new found frustration aimed towards the human race's constant need to be saved, our troubled Time Lord couldn't find it in his hearts to abandon us completely. As such, he set up base above the skies of Victorian London where he could continue to wallow in his seclusive self pity whilst still remaining in reach for when his assistance was inevitably required once more. As it turns out, his call to arms came when the Great Intelligence began his latest foray into the realms of world domination and it was the loveable bartender turned nanny Clara Oswald who brought a glimmer of hope into the Doctor's otherwise dark and dismal festive proceedings when she emerged him from his self-contained darkness and back into his rightful place as Earth Defender. It was the start of a beautiful relationship but then, of course, she had to go and spoil it all by doing something stupid like falling from that aforementioned cloud and dying. But when you can't be forgiving at Christmas, when can you, eh? The Snowmen as a whole is a magnificently Christmassy tale full of killer Snowmen and a wickedly guest starring role from Tenth Doctor (that's far as The Curse of Fatal Death is concerned, anyway) Richard E. Grant. It even features REAL SNOW which has come to be somewhat of a rarity in Doctor Who Christmas Specials. It even features the return of the Paternoster Gang, too. What more could you want?
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Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via