Doctor Who: Top 10 Christmassy Moments

6. When Christmas Trees Attack

Doctor Who: turning your Christmas decorations into household killers since 2005. That was definitely the case in The Christmas Invasion, anyway, when a new tree mysteriously turned up at the Tyler residence and subsequently set out to destroy everything in its path. That's pretty much the norm though, right? Of course, Christmas trees don't just start attacking their owners for no apparent reason (yes - even in the often far reaching realms of the Doctor Who universe!), as it was in fact a weapon put in place by those pesky aforementioned Robot Santas as part of their devilish ploy to kidnap the Tenth Doctor, who had at this point succumbed to a deep and heavy post-regenerative slumber. Typical. He woke up to save the day - and his friends - at the last minute, though, reducing the tyrannical tree to a pile of pine and ash with a flick of his ever trusty sonic screwdriver. Jackie's face said it all. A similiar act of terror was showcased by the Roboforms the following year when Donna Noble's wedding reception (hold on, does it still count as a wedding reception when the bride didn't even make it down the isle?) was transformed into a war zone when a series of of grenade-like baubles were unleashed upon the unsuspecting guests, continuing the already established precedent that it's not a Doctor Who Christmas until something has been blown up. Ah, Christmas. You've gotta love it. Tumblr Mf5111g6qn1qcy27zo2 500 Gif
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Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via