Doctor Who: Top 10 Insults Used By The Fourth Doctor

2. If You're Going To Sit There Wallowing In Self-Pity, I'll Bite Your Nose

This is yet another cherished moment shared between the Doctor and Sarah Jane, and probably a quintessential illustration of how it sucks that you€™ve had to say goodbye to her. Sarah Jane has been struck by the flash, which in turn has caused her optic nerve to go numb for a bit. Unlike many of the other times when the Doctor would give a slight remark, this time he was sensitive enough to pull her out of her deluded haziness of selling fresh, violet flowers once she goes back to Piccadilly, for she truly believes she€™s gone blind. It€™s also one of those moments where, if you€™ve just started watching Classic Who after the massive addiction of NuWho or vice versa, you will begin to form connections between Rose and Sarah Jane. And while it€™s not as sprightly of an insult, it€™s something that€™s bound to slip out of your mouth when you see someone worrying over nothing. First things first, but not necessarily in that order.

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