Doctor Who: Top 10 Insults Used By The Fourth Doctor

1. You're A Classic Example Of The Inverse Ratio Between The Size Of The Mouth And The Size Of The Brain

It€™s hard to tell if this ratio is accurate because both quantities are not fit for comparison, but the weight of the insult still stands. Borg was asking for it when he slapped the bag of jelly babies out of the Doctor€™s hand (a simple €œNo, thank you€ would€™ve been sufficient) and ultimately proceeded to accuse him of being a murderer and further attempting to lock him and Leela up. Though it wasn€™t the most appropriate insult to use at the time, it made Borg mad enough to give in to the influence. If there€™s someone that needs shutting down, ignore €œwaffle€ and jump right ahead to comparing their mouths to their brains. Sure enough, the Fourth Doctor might not have the most offensive insults around - and perhaps not the sultriest ones, either, - but his intelligence was always a given and his brain is far superior to yours. After all, good looks are no substitute for a sound character. What did you think of this list? What are your favourite Fourth Doctor insults? Let us know in the sections below.

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