Doctor Who: Top 10 Insults Used By The Fourth Doctor

7. Waffle, Waffle, Waffle

If you€™re ever in need of shutting somebody up, this is the most positive way to go about it. It€™s not often the Fourth Doctor went radical during his time, apart from all the other times, but when it came to hashing Major Beresford, it only took him €œwaffle€ to do the job. Beresford wasn€™t the most complying man when he was lieutenant (and he sure as well wasn€™t a good replacement for Brigadier, either) but it€™s quite obvious where the boundaries of procedures end and when your requirement outweighs it all. You€™ll be seeing the Doctor inject a subtle but emphatic €œwaffle€ every time someone made a sound. If that€™s not how you should be doing things, you€™re probably doing it wrong.

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