Doctor Who: Top 10 Insults Used By The Fourth Doctor

6. Stop Whining Girl, You're Useless!

Sarah Jane Smith had started out as an undercover reporter when she first met the Fourth Doctor but as time went on they became best friends, notwithstanding unrequited feelings from Sarah€™s end that is. Overall, she was the best companion as she never afraid to talk back to the Doctor and take a jab at Harry when need be, coming across mocks as a form of encouragement, if nothing else. When Sarah was stuck in a conduit, the last thing she needed from the Doctor was a bunch of rubbish regarding how she€™s foolish, stupid and unreliable, along with a few anti-feminist stances here and there. Nevertheless, if it hadn€™t been for him sneering at her, she never would€™ve been able to get out of there in the first place and it wouldn€™t have gone down as one of the most significant moments of their relationship. Don€™t tax your mind, though. This really is encouraging.

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