Doctor Who: Top 10 Insults Used By The Fourth Doctor

4. Empirical Poppycock!

It€™s rather insufferable when you€™ve to hang around with a €˜Negative Nelly€™ who always assumes the worst and has zero optimism but gather up your spirits because the Fourth Doctor doesn€™t take €œno€ for an answer. Romana was a really difficult person. Choosing to take a bath at impossible times, stealing someone€™s body and taking it as her own, killing the joy out of everything... well, you get the idea. The Doctor just couldn€™t stand the constant drill of her lack of enthusiasm when she would instead believe in a huge nuclear war than a huge breakfast party going on in the street because her optimism, believe it or not, opted out. When you€™ve got someone who€™d always assume the best with every situation instead of waiting to see how it goes, you now have an ingenious insult in hand, with your irrationality bordering on insane.

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