Doctor Who: Top 10 "Puppy Kick" Moments

3. Rose Gets Stuck In The Parallel World €“ Doomsday

doomsday This one kept me crying for weeks. In trying to save the world from the Cybermen and the Daleks, the Doctor decides to send them all back into the void. But there€™s a catch: anyone who has been through the void will fall in too. So he sends Rose and her family to the parallel world to keep them safe. But she€™s not going that easily. She comes back, abandoning her family, choosing to never see them again. The Doc and Rose begin their work, grabbing onto huge magnets to avoid falling into the void. Cybermen and Daleks fly past in a whirlwind until one of the levers slips. Rose has to restore it but in doing so, she loses her grip. She clings on to the lever but the pull is too strong and she falls towards the entrance of the void. Across the country, everyone held their breath: they knew Billie Piper was leaving the show but surely not to be trapped forever in the void? Thankfully her dad from the parallel world comes across and saves her. She gives the Doctor one last fleeting look before becoming trapped in the parallel world forever. We watch on as Rose cries painfully and screams to be taken back: her family standing behind, helpless. Then, the Doctor and Rose share a tender moment, pressed against the wall, feeling each-others presence, faces wet with tears. The audience surely cried with them but it is what came next that was the biggest kick: The Doctor Saying goodbye to Rose. Rose dreamt that the Doctor was calling her and followed the voice, leading her to a beach in Norway where the Doctor appears, to have their final goodbye. It€™s a painful couple of minutes as they chat, laugh and cry. Rose confesses that she loves him and just as the Doctor is about to say the same, the connection dies and he is taken away from her forever.
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Doctor Who
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Hayley is a twenty year old student, studying Creative Writing and Sociology at the University of Winchester. In her spare time she writes her novel, sings in a musical theatre choir and goes to the gym. For her creative writing blog: Or follow her on twitter: @miss_hayley_may