Doctor Who: Top 5 Greatest Pond Adventures

1. The Girl Who Waited (2011)

Before The Girl Who Waited, Tom McRae's efforts on modern Who had proved rather disappointing, with the Cybermen two-parter of Series Two hardly likely to have reached many people's 'Top 10' lists six years on. Indeed, McRae did state that his idea for his Series Six adventure focused on the lives of the Ponds might be too Moffat-esque in the weeks leading up to its broadcast, sending off alarm bells for many of us fans. Thankfully, though, nothing could have been further from the truth! Brimming with emotion, heartbreak and true happiness, Girl was a stunning realisation of how Amy and Rory's love could last through thick and thin (at least if Rory's two-thousand year guarding of the Pandorica hadn't proved it already), providing us with a totally new outlook on the former character as an alternate future incarnation of herself was created due to a mistake on the Doctor's part. We saw the first seeds sewn for the disruption of the Ponds' regular travels with the Time Lord here, yet it was the delicacy and mastery with which McRae handled the portrayal of these fantastic characters in The Girl Who Waited that made it an absolute masterpiece. Will The Angels Take Manhattan earn a place on an updated version of this list in days to come? I wouldn't bet against it...what are your favourite Pond adventures so far?
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Doctor Who
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