Doctor Who: Why Peter Davison's Fifth Doctor Is Underated


fivedoctors People claim the Fifth Doctor is possibly the worst Doctor besides the Seventh Doctor. Of course this is all a matter of opinion, but there are more fans of the earlier Doctors from the eighties than the later years. The Fifth Doctor was reunited with his previous selves in The Five Doctors, excluding Tom Baker, who at the last minute decided to not participate, so writer Terrance Dicks had to come up with something clever for the Fourth Doctor, and it worked out wonderfully. When we first see the Fifth Doctor in post-regenerative state, he starts acting out his previous selves. Starting out with William Hartnell's First Doctor, and it was well done. The mannerism was spot on, clutching onto his braces (or suspenders if you live in either U.S or Canada), and letting out a little high pitched giggle. This was of course Peter Davison's performance, but it all leads to him building up his own persona for his Doctor, while having traces of the previous Doctors as well. Also seen is the Second Doctor persona as the Fifth Doctor marches down the corridor, calling Adric Jamie and that he needs to go back, and that his regeneration is failing. The Five Doctors is a wonderful anniversary episode, no matter what people think of it. With last minute changes, it came out rather well. And Richard Hurndall was excellent as the First Doctor. With this episode the mannerisms of each previous Doctor can be more noted in the Fifth Doctor. He tends to be a bit grumpy like the First Doctor, the enthusiasm of the Second Doctor, and yes, he can insult people just like the Third Doctor, but not as uncontrollably. The Fifth Doctor is able to control himself before really letting someone have it, but you can see when his temper is at its peak. There's not much of the Fourth Doctor persona in him since Tom had just recently left, but the Fifth Doctor has a charming boyish smile that tends to set his companions at ease when things are running smoothly.

I am a sales associate by day, and 3D artist and writer at night. I have a passion for Doctor Who, especially the Fifth Doctor era. I go to conventions when I have the funds, and I also make costumes on my spare time.