Doctor Who: Why You Should Watch The Peter Cushing 'Dr. Who' Movies

Peter Cushing Daleks Invasion Earth 2150 AD
British Lion-Columbia Distributors

I could go on and on about the Peter Cushing films. They hold so much charm, wit, and passion. Yes, they aren't a direct carbon copy of the original serials, and beyond the initial plotline don't have anything to do with Doctor Who. But that doesn't matter.

They stand as their own unique entity, allowing for so much possibilities in traversing Doctor Who into other mediums of entertainment, broadening the scope of what the show can be. One also can't deny the huge draw by Peter Cushing's lovable portrayal of Dr. Who, and it's a massive shame really that we never saw more of his beloved character.

There were plans to adapt The Chase into a movie, but disappointingly this never came to be. Imagine had they continued the trend of adapting popular Doctor Who tales with Peter Cushing at the helm. Maybe he could've battled against the Cybermen. What if Christopher Lee became his rival as The Master! So much lost potential. It's actually criminal that it never went ahead. But, who's to say that this idea couldn't be reinstalled for a modern audience, with another popular British actor leading the show.

Before I go, it would be shameful of me to leave without acknowledging that daft little sequence featuring the Robomen grabbing their dinner. Of course when you say it like that it sounds utterly ridiculous, and it is. But it goes a long way to show the campy charm of these wonderful movies. There is a clear undermine of the seriousness of these zombie-like minions, but it's also a lot of fun seeing Bernard Cribbin's desperately impersonate one of them, as he tries to keep in sequence to their robotic rhythm of getting up and grabbing some food. It's a life and death situation with a comedic spin.

Anyway, enough of me waffling, go and watch these films! You owe it to yourself as a Doctor Who fan to at least check them out once. And who knows, you might find some enjoyment out of these ventures into another dimension and add the both of them to your Doctor Who collection.


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Loving husband and full-time nerd. My pastime is analysing and sharing my thoughts on things. I dabble with video games, enjoy a good horror movie, and love my superhero content. And Doctor Who is my favourite show of all times.