Doctor Who's Top 5 Regenerations

2. The Doctor Donna

Let me start out by saying I am an American, and like most Americans I am relatively new to the franchise; my first Doctor was the incredibly talented Matt Smith. In that case, believe me when I say had I watched the show when €œThe Stolen Earth€ premiered, I would have been screaming at the television the moment that Dalek shot the Doctor in the back, causing him to regenerate into the following episode. The next week revealed that using the Doctor€™s severed hand from €œThe Christmas Invasion,€ kept within Torchwood Three by Captain Jack Harkness for reasons I€™m not sure I want to know, the Doctor used just enough regeneration energy to heal himself before redirecting the remaining energy into his hand, thus causing a biological meta-crisis (yes, it€™s wibbly wobbly). This crisis would then lead to the forming of a human clone of the Doctor as well as copying the Doctor€™s memories and abilities into Donna Noble. Once the Doctor saves the day (as always), his human clone spends the remainder of his days with Rose, and Donna€™s memory is blocked as to save her now part Time Lord mind from burning up. In the end, everybody gets what they want/need, but not the sad man with a box€ Okay, I know this isn€™t technically one of his regenerations, but it just proves how mad clever he is.
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Steve is an unrepentant nerd who enjoys all things Disney, Doctor Who, and Star Trek. He is currently finishing his undergraduate degree in political science at Temple University and divides his time between his homes in Philadelphia and Orlando.