Dreamcasting The Watchmen TV Show

2. Benedict Cumberbatch - Dr. Manhattan

Benedict Cumberbatch Dr Manhattan
BBC/DC Comics

Jon Osterman is a character that requires an actor capable of portraying a man at two wildly different points in his life, one in live-action and one as a voice. So this role requires a man who can play a genius as well as have a memorable and sometimes even imposing voice.

While Billy Crudup's portrayal of Dr. Manhattan is more soft-spoken, as the superman doesn't wish to intimidate his friends or partners by being especially sonorous or impressive, the other direction is wide open. With expectations to differentiate itself from a fellow adaptation that is still fresh in fans' minds, a different take (or voice) for Manhattan might be reinvigorating.

Although Benedict Cumberbatch is not known for playing particularly humble characters, most are extremely intelligent and similarly spoken to Dr. Manhattan. He has enough inflection to improve upon the criticism that Crudup's voice work was too apathetic and almost condescending. His voice is distinctive enough that it does the acting for him, an important trait when your face is covered under a mountain of special effects and glowing blue.


I wrote two books and a few articles. They're probably okay.