Each Attack On Titan Season Ranked From Worst To Best

4. Season 1 part 2

Attack On Titan

Alongside season two, this arc took what was originally a simple idea and began to propose questions. What are the titan's motives? How do they know where to attack? Are they organised? All of this and more made for an exciting season with plenty of drive.

Beginning as an introduction to the stratagems of the survey corp, this season took the show in a different direction, both narrative-wise and aesthetically. Gone were the walls of Shiganshina and Trost, instead we had large open spaces, forests and small towns, this was a significant change as it led to learning more about the systems that the scouts have in place for these environments.

One of the most valued parts of the series, however, was the exploration of Levi, who was already a fan favourite during the first arc, yet here we were able to delve more into how capable he was. Seeing him take down titans, and especially teaming up with Mikasa to take on the prime series antagonist, was always fun to watch.

The central aspect of the narrative this season was the mystery of the female titan. We had seen titan shifters before in Eren, but throughout this arc, we learned not only that others existed, but that they may be organised.

The reveal and subsequent exploration of the identity behind the female titan was an absolute highlight of the series and hopefully one we will see explored further in season 4.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!