Each Attack On Titan Season Ranked From Worst To Best

3. Season 3 Part 1

Attack On Titan

The series thus far was rather impressive when it came to changing their approach to narrative.

However, season 3 truly takes home the prize for being the most departed venture from the series' primary method of storytelling. Beforehand although the complexity of the show grew, it was always merely an us vs them mentality; humans vs titans. However, this arc introduced a whole new narrative, including politics and human vs human violence.

It was a welcome departure from the standard series approach, as there was still titan involvement, but overall the world felt so much more compelling as it was clear that titans are not the only issue that the squad faces. This was a great addition not only from a narrative scale but from an action sense also, as fighting other humans with their own omni-directional gear led to some incredible feats of creativity.

This arc took the series into a new direction and introduced vital concepts that would and will go on to influence the entirety of the remaining show. Finally, it feels important to mention the incredible increase in the quality of the animation. The show thus far had always looked good, but this season brought it to a new level. The movements were slick, and the characters looked amazing.


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