Emmys 2022: 5 Ups & 7 Downs

5. The CHAOTIC Show Pacing

Emmys 2022 Zendaya

Look, awards shows wouldn't be awards shows if they weren't pure slogs in some fashion, but even so, this year's Emmys ceremony was a stamina-draining bore at times - and a frantic sprint at others.

From the egregious excess of cringe-worthy "comedy" skits, to the expectedly outrageous amount of commercials, major portions of the telecast dragged on forever if you were watching live.

Did anyone really need to sit through a tribute to medical procedurals? Those three minutes could've been better spent on, well, basically anything else.

But on the turn of a dime the producers would crank out three significant awards in the span of around 10 minutes, while rushing winners through speeches with disrespectful play-off music, and having their extended thank-yous play out on the screen's lower-third.

The show could've done itself a favour by moving some of the "frothier" categories - like the Variety and Competition Program fields - to the Creative Arts Emmys, because how many people watching a show focused around Prestige Content really care about talk shows and reality TV?

While there's begrudging respect for keeping the show to a strict three hours rather than letting it run off the tracks - looking at you, Oscars - the fatty padding resulted in the actual awards feeling overly hurried for the most part.

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Emmy Awards
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.