Emmys 2022: 5 Ups & 7 Downs

3. Jimmy Kimmel Invades Quinta Brunson's Speech

Emmys 2022 Jimmy Kimmel

Though this year's show was largely controversy-free, there was one moment that caught a lot of ire on social media, and that was Jimmy Kimmel's decision to, er, invade Quinta Brunson's acceptance speech for her Outstanding Writing (Comedy) win for Abbott Elementary.

The bit started before Brunson's win, with Will Arnett dragging an apparently wasted Kimmel out onto the stage and just... leaving him there.

Brunson was then forced to conduct her winning speech with Kimmel playing dead at her feet, and though she was a good sport about the bit, it didn't really feel like the time for an attention-stealing gag.

Kimmel ultimately made the moment about himself, and given that Brunson was the first Black woman to win a solo Emmy for writing, it seemed particularly egregious that he felt the need to insert himself into it.

In a post-victory interview with the press, Brunson brushed Kimmel's behaviour off, jokingly noting that she "might punch him in the face" when she appears on his talk show later this week.

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Emmy Awards
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.