Every 2016 Netflix Exclusive TV Show Ranked Worst To Best

15. Daredevil (Season 2)

House Of Cards Stranger Things Daredevil

Daredevil's second season had an incredibly tough act to follow after a splendid first, and while it definitely paled in comparison, it nevertheless served as another entertaining entry that deepened the iconic superhero's mythology.

Pacing issues abounded, a couple of big emotional beats fell flat, and the absence of Vincent D'Onofrio's Wilson Fisk was palpably felt for much of the season, but on the other hand, Jon Bernthal's Punisher was absolutely incredible, the action sequences continued to be crisp and tight, and Élodie Yung's Elektra was pretty damn good too.

It might be slightly underwhelming to those expecting the consistency of season one, but it's still remarkable work for a comic book property that was largely the subject of derision even just a few short years ago.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.