Every Arrowverse Crossover Ranked From Worst To Best

6. Duet

The Flash vs Arrow
The CW

Grant Gustin and Melissa Benoist's Glee backgrounds had fans calling for musical episodes of The Flash and Supergirl for nearly two years, and it finally came to fruition in the form of a special crossover episode of the former show's third season.

Not part of the annual Arrowverse crossover, it took place in the spring and tied directly into the Savitar-heavy storyline, as Music Meister utilised a musical dream to make Barry see everything he was doing wrong in his personal life. It might be a little on-the-nose to say that he made a big song and dance of it, but oh he did.

Trapped in a never-ending musical, Barry and Kara (who was also having relationship problems with Mon-El) had to help fictionalized versions of their own love interests live happily ever after in order to realize the importance of love. And, it was honestly as wonderfully ridiculous as it sounds.

From the golden tint of the dream sequence to the fact that both Gustin and Benoist were in their absolute element showcasing the full of extent of their talents, 'Duet' was worth its weight in gold - and, perhaps more importantly, worth the wait in general. And if you weren't clicking your fingers to 'Super Friend' or reaching for the tissues for "Runnin' Home To You", who even are you?

Heart, humour and harmonies - a perfect example of the Arrowverse at its gleeful best.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.