Every Big Mouth Main Character Ranked

8. Andrew Glouberman

Big Mouth Jay

Along with Nick, Andrew is one of the central characters of the show. A anxiety-ridden, whiney-voiced nerd, Andrew is initially presented as a character that might have felt at home on a show like The Big Bang Theory. He’s highly nerdy, scared of everything and obsessed with sex. His relationship with his hormone monster, Maury, can often be confrontational with Andrew frequently appearing ashamed of how easily turned on he is.

However, as the show continues Andrew has become a rather unlikeable character. At multiple points he is shown refusing to back up his supposed best friend Nick; when he enters into a relationship with Missy, he immediately abandons his friend and then proceeds to drop the ‘L’ bomb far too early on Missy before repeatedly trying to guilt her into resuming a relationship with him. He is prone to bouts of jealousy and even tips a disabled class mate out of his wheelchair.

The character is clearly intended to be flawed and that’s okay, but there is almost no likability associated with the character that might make us want to root for his journey to overcome these flaws.

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Big Mouth
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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.