Every Big Mouth Main Character Ranked

7. Duke Ellington

Big Mouth Jay

Jordan Peele plays the ghost of famous jazz composer Duke Ellington who, for some reason, haunts Nick’s attic. Prone to bursting into song at random times, Duke is often on hand to give advice to Nick (and sometimes other characters) although the validity of that advice is often questionable. Duke is sometimes joined by the ghosts of other famous musicians including Prince, Whitney Houston and Freddie Mercury.

Peele gives the character a boldness and personality that makes him a joy to watch. He’s one of the most confident characters on the show and still feels like part of the old Hollywood glamour (who just happens to live in an attic now). Like all of the best characters on the show, he is somewhat chaotic and outlandish in his behaviour but he carries it off in a way that is truly enjoyable. On a trip to New York City we see him get wasted, perform a song and spend his time possessing different living people just to pull pranks.

However there are times when Duke feels out of place with the rest of the series, and like he’s maybe one wacky step too far. He also has a fairly grating voice if he’s on screen for long and that is why he doesn’t place higher on the list.

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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.