Every Big Mouth Main Character Ranked

6. Jessi Glaser

Big Mouth Jay

Jessi is a teenage girl who is initially caught off guard by the sudden influx of hormones associated with puberty. An intelligent and principled young woman, she is one of the more relatable characters on the show. We see her wrestle with the decision of whether to be herself or sell out her friends in order to get in with the popular girls.

Later in the show she becomes the child of a broken home when her mother begins a lesbian affair after giving up on her long failing marriage. Jessi ends up responding to this, at the urging of Connie, by taking up shoplifting - something she says makes her feel more alive.

Jessi is one of the more sensible characters in Big Mouth. Her struggles are relatable and her reactions, whilst sometimes extreme, feel true to life and this makes her all the more compelling to watch. She eventually falls victim to bouts of depression represented by “the depression kitty.” Despite the whimsical metaphor, this time in Jessi’s life is something that plays as completely believable and allows the viewer to sympathise with her.

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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.