Every Black Mirror Episode Ranked Worst To Best

18. Arkangel

Entire history of you black mirror

A socially conscious episode directed by Jodie Foster and focussing on the perils of overbearing parenting in the social media age? Yes, Arkangel might just be Black Mirror's biggest waste of potential, that instead of telling a timely or even moral story about growing up in an ever-changing world slips into depravity and uninspired logic.

In it, a mother (Rosemarie DeWitt) has her daughter, Sara (Aniya Hodge/Brenna Harding) implanted with an Arkangel chip, something that follows her every move and allows her overzealous mother to actively control her life.

There are some sparks of greatness sprinkled here and there from Sara's coming-of-age subplot, but the whole episode becomes increasingly tripped up by its own rushed ambition and Foster's tactless direction, failing to leave audiences with anything worth thinking about.

Even by Black Mirror standards, Arkangel is a ridiculous story, but unlike other episodes does nothing to justify its existence.

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