Every Breaking Bad Villain Ranked From Worst To Best

6. Tuco Salamanca

Breaking Bad

In many ways, Tuco was Breaking Bad's first real villain. While Krazy-8 had been an antagonist before him, this young Salamanca was an actual hurdle to overcome and posed a massive threat not just to the protagonists business but also their lives.

As a boss, Tuco was precisely the kind of person you would want to avoid. He was prone to fits of aggression and was thoroughly unstable thanks to his addictions and lack of impulse control. Seeing him beat one of his workers to death instantly revealed the barbarism he was capable of, and it made his relationship with Jesse and Walt full of tension. Talk about a hostile work environment.

However, he does rank lower here, thanks to the fact that he was incredibly one-note. While his unpredictable personality and actions certainly kept you on-edge, they never gave him much nuance. Seeing mentally unstable villains can often be entertaining, but having their instability be their primary character trait can make them dull and repetitive, which sadly ended up being the case for Tuco.

He was a great first step for the show, but was just a simple enemy, prone to violent fits of rage, who otherwise had little going for him.

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Breaking Bad
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