Every Breaking Bad Villain Ranked From Worst To Best

3. Todd Alquist

Breaking Bad

Jesse Plemons is an utterly likeable actor. He has an innocence to him that makes all of his roles instantly charming and empathetic, no matter how twisted they might be. None of his parts display this better than Todd Alquist, as this terrifying villain was strangely charming thanks to his casual persona and professional attitude.

Todd started in what seemed like an insignificant role, simply helping Walt and Jesse to cover their cooking. However, he soon became more involved with the operation, despite feeling out of place as a result of his friendliness. Then everything changed after the infamous scene where he took out his gun and shot a kid without even a semblance of remorse.

This would end up being Todd's defining trait, as he was so devoid of empathy that he could kill without even understanding the effects it would have on others. Even after murdering Jesse's girlfriend Andrea, he still tried to have a friendly relationship with Pinkman and couldn't fathom how such an act would impact that.

He had this professional attitude that made him treat murder like a part of the job. For example, just before shooting Andrea in the head, he even told her "this isn't personal". This sociopathic personality made him a frightening and unique villain.

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Breaking Bad
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