Every Death In The Simpsons Ranked

10. Congressman Horace Wilcox (Mr. Spritz Goes To Washington)

Simpsons Death

In this episode from Season 14, The Simpson family seek help from their Congressman after a change in flight path directs deafening air traffic right over their house.

They take their case to Horace Wilcox, who has served in the House for seventy years. Upon hearing their plight, Wilcox becomes angry, then feels numb, and dies of a heart attack. Wilcox could survive the sinking of the Titanic, but not the Simpsons. That figures.

Wilcox's death triggers an election for his replacement, which is won by Krusty The Clown. Had Horace held on just a little bit longer, then this whole episode would never have happened and The Simpsons may still be hearing plane noises over their house to this day.

Whilst Krusty being a Congressman doesn't carry over into future episodes, it's still a pretty big deal in the world of this episode. Whilst Chapman's death is way funnier (the joke about Homer performing "CCR" instead of "CPR" is good, but not great), Wilcox's demise would have had much larger ramifications in the fictional world of The Simpsons, which is why the good Congressman scores a place in our top ten.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.